The most common msi error a3 that you could fix. msi error a3 will be there as you use your computer. these problems will exist even if you’re using the computer. Piratedog is correct, you can move to a z77 platform which would let you use your current cpu but still might be gimped for overclocking it as the z77 platform was designed for ivy bridge, or move to a new cpu/mb altogether.. Hi guys, i know this is a bit of an old thread but i need help and this looks like the best way i will be able to solve the issue. when i boot up my pc it gets stuck on the 99 code screen for a good 10-15secs and then boots up to the desktop after showing 9c and a2 but there are a few settings that are missing. eg my rgb keyboard lighting config doesnt load and various other start up programs.
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Fixing common msi 990fxa-gd80 error codes: things you need to do. computer troubles are something you can’t avoid when you’re using one. there are individuals who. The post codes are 98, 99, a2, and a3. (my mb manual has been utterly useless in deciphering both the beeps and the codes and i'm having a hard time determining the standard that msi is using or. Re: new build getting a3 dr debug code in my case, i had to move the monitor to a different port on the graphics card, at which point i was able to get into the bios set up. for some reason, the bios had defaulted the storage mode to ide..
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